April 7, Wednesday
Oh man, it was so good to be back in my own bed and to be able to sleep in. J After waking up, I was a lazy bum all day long. I showered then packed my bags for Launceston. Basically I just took my laundry from the week out with me and I’ll wear those clothes again! Easy enough.
On the way down to the bus station I stopped and got some Macca’s for lunch considering I don’t have any food anymore after throwing out everything that had gone bad.
I had gotten a note in the mail saying that I have two packages waiting for me at the Sandy Bay post office! Yay! I stopped in there and had a package from Nanna and one from Dad. The one from Nanna was filled with Easter candy! The one from Dad had goldfish, cheetos and reeses. Yum yum yum.
Marc had bought me a bus fare for the bus that left Hobart at 3. I hauled all my bags and my two boxes down to the transit centre. They told me there was a full bus so I was going to have to put one of my bags underneath. Bummer, I hate full buses!
Fortunately when I got on I was able to sit alone. I figured sometime along the ride there would be someone who needed to come and sit by me though. But having my own seat for part of the way is better than nothing!
Lucky for me, I had my own seat the full way! HOORAY! J
When we got into Launceston Marc, Tarni and Abdel were all there to pick me up.
We didn’t really do much that day...Marc cooked pasta with chicken. It was delicious! He is such a good cook...I should keep him around if only for that reason. Haha.
Marc has started doing boxing training with Abdel. Tarni and I had told him that we’d do it with him today. I however thought he was doing it in the morning so when my bus was later in the afternoon I thought I’d have already missed it. When I found out they do it at night I was already all showered and everything and didn’t feel like getting nasty sweaty so I said I’d pass on today.
We went to blockbuster that night and rented Friday Night Lights. Watching that movie totally made me miss West Texas! I can’t wait for football season. J The others were kind of upset because they couldn’t wrap their mind around the fact that that really is how serious football is in Texas. Malcolm couldn’t believe that a high school state game would fill up Reliant Stadium in Houston.
April 8, Thursday
Marc and I got to Skype with Dad and Denise this morning. They finally were able to meet him! Dad and Marc talked about sports and all that good stuff. Marc seemed to like Dad.
I got to meet Andrew, one of Marc’s good mates out here. He dropped by between his classes.
Later on, we went to Woolworth’s and to the vegetable store to get food that we’d need for the week.
That evening the housemates and I all went up to the uni and had a “kick-about” with the footy. “Footy” is their nickname for Australian Football.
That sport is ridiculous. The ball looks like an overstuffed football, I guess kind of like a rugby ball, and it’s really hard and slick. The only ways you can pass the ball are by kicking it or punching it. In game situation, you can only run 15 yards (I think) before you have to either pass or dribble the ball. The players don’t wear any pads or helmets. The scoring is that you have four metal posts sticking straight up into the air. If you get it between the middle two then you score 6 points. If you get it between the outside two then you get 3 (?) points. If you hit the pole you get 1 point. If the other team is about to score and you are able to touch, punch, or kick their ball before it passes through the poles then they only get 1 point. One strange thing is that they don’t have any immediate punishment for fouling. After the game they go back and review everything that went on in the back field and if you are caught fouling people then you get fined and in extreme situations suspended. I think it’s weird that the fouling doesn’t affect the outcome of the game. I guess because it is such a fast pace game that it’s hard to keep track of everything going on.
I did okay playing. Sometimes my kicks were better than others. The punching really hurts though! The form that you use is kind of like underhand serving in volleyball. Except the ball hurts really badly!
That’s about all that went on today. Cheers!
April 9, Friday
The weather here has turned so blah! It has been raining quite often. And it has gotten cold. I thought Australia was never supposed to be cold!?!
This morning I made cinnamon toast for Marc for breakfast. Marc and I studied for awhile. I have a paper due Monday and he has a big test coming up next week.
I also got to Skype with Momma. If he didn’t think it before then I’m sure Marc now thinks I’m crazy after seeing me talk with Momma. We kept being so stupy! J
I can’t think of what we did Friday night. We were supposed to go watch basketball with Fraser but once Marc wanted to keep studying.
Marc invented a new game. It’s a mix between monopoly, charades, movie trivia, and battle of the sexes. Malcolm, Tarni, Marc and I all played tonight. It was pretty fun!
I think that was all for our exciting Friday!
April 10, Saturday
This morning I made cinnamon toast for Tarni. She was jealous that she’d missed out the other day.
Then Marc, Tarni and I got ready to go to the BMX and Motocross rally. J
It was raining outside so we were pretty worried that it would be cancelled but thankfully it wasn’t. Yay. I had never been to a BMX or motocross show so I was excited. It was pretty cool...the show didn’t start for awhile after we got there but in the time being we got to watch them warm up.
The most fun part of the rally was people watching! Talk about bogan-ville!!! It was hilarious.
I really enjoyed it going; it was a cool new experience.
I’m SO excited, next time I come to Launy Marc and I are going to a Monster Truck Rally. Neither one of us has ever been so we thought it’d be a fun adventure. To make it even better, we decided to go dressed as bogans to fit in with everyone there!! We’re both so excited. I think we’ll have more fun dressing up than anything else. Marc has this ridiculous idea that he wants to dye his hair blue. I told him that this would be the only day he is allowed to do that.
Marc, Malcolm and I had Tarni take us up to one of the bars around 3 to watch a footy game. I don’t remember which teams we watched play but they were okay. It was nice to be able to watch and learn about the sport considering we’re going to a game in a couple weeks. Our friend Fraser came up and joined us for awhile. When the guys told me we’d go up to the pub to watch the footy, I imagined the bar would be packed full of rowdy drunks cheering on their team. However we were the only people up there to watch the game. There was another party who were there for a little while but they sat outside. Malcolm said that most people have television so they just watch it from home. I was a little disappointed; I love people watching in situations like that.
Once the game was over we had about 3 hours to kill before the next one started so we decided to walk home. The rain was only a sprinkle at that point so it was okay. It was still pretty cold though. Marc insisted on me taking his jacket and, even though I said I didn’t need it, I was very grateful.
About halfway home, we saw Tarni and Abdel driving by, headed to meet us at the pub. We told them our plan so then we just got a lift back home with them.
We went up to Lloyd’s to watch the second game there. There were only two stools and no table available so it was kind of awkward because we just there in the middle of the bar watching the game. Oh well. One of the teams playing, whose name starts with an E, was red and black so I instantly picked them to be my team. This game was much more exciting than the earlier one. The teams played dirtier so it was more fun to watch. The team I picked happens to be Marc’s favourite team...I knew I picked a good one! And they ended up winning! YAY!
I believe that’s about all that happened that night. Once we got back we all just went to bed.
April 11, Sunday
Paper writing day! So, in other words, it was a totally lame day. I don’t own the book for Public Relations because its $70 and I didn’t want to spend that much money for a book in the class that doesn’t even count. That made writing the paper a little bit difficult. The paper isn’t dues until 5 on Monday so I’m going to go up to the uni tomorrow when I get back and use the copy of the book in the library.
Marc was able to get a lot of his studying done. He has a huge anatomy and physiology test on Tuesday.
Marc and I worked out later that day. We did some abs and push-ups. It wasn’t a long work out but it was still good.
That night all the roommates went to blockbuster to rent Paranormal Activity. The movie was pretty good...it would’ve been much scarier if we hadn’t talked throughout it!
April 12, Monday
My bus today left at 1. So after waking up, packing and stopping by macca’s, Tarni and Marc dropped me off at the transit centre.
While waiting in line for my ticket I saw my friend from class, Angelique. She had been up in Burnie visiting her boyfriend and was going to be on the same bus as me back to Hobart. It was so crazy that we ran into each other! We sat near each other...we were each able to have our own seats though. She had a magazine that she let me borrow which was good because Stevie Wonder (my ipod) died halfway through the trip.
Once we got back to Hobart I took the bus home. It was so perfect; the bus that I got on took me all the way to Nelson Rd. What a wonderful surprise!!
When I got home I Skyped with Lauren. J It sounds like she’s having a pretty stressful week in school...but she’s almost done!!! Hooray!
Stacey and I then went to the grocery store. I had to buy heaps of groceries since all of mine had gone bad when our refrigerator turned off.
I made tacos tonight for supper. They were so yum!
Then it was time for bed!
ReplyDeleteI think that you should start riding the bus when you smell stinky so that you always have a seat alone!!
Also, it sounds like you are quite a work-out-aholic! Haha. Maybe you can bring that motivation back with you to Lubbock to share with your sissy :)
And I can't wait for football season either :) Tech is going to be good this year...I just have a good feeling about it. Haha. Either way, I can't wait to go to football games with you! We need to find people who are going to raidergate since Matt, Phil and Arnold are all going to be gone :( Maybe Luke!
Anyways, I hate to say it, but I am so happy you are half way done!! That means you are closer to coming home. WOO HOO! Haha. But really, I want you to enjoy every second there.