March 8, Monday
Eight hour day. J Hooray for getting a holiday about only working eight hours a day.
Malcolm and Abdel then drove Joey, Natalie and I to the bus station. It was a very fun weekend!!! It was nice having a fellow Texan, Abdel, around for awhile.
The bus ride home was pretty boring. Some high school aged girls were listening to country music. After they heard me on the phone saying something about Texas they kept turning around and looking at me. Haha. It was funny.
March 9, Tuesday
Happy birthday cousin Katie!!!
I told Natalie that I would go to her Popular Fiction class with her this morning at 9 AM. This is the class that I am hoping to join and get credit for rather than taking the Public Relations class and not getting credit for it. Nat and I met at the top of The Hill of Pain at 8:30AM. In the lecture today, we talked about Disney movies, Peter Pan, and the symbolism behind the stories. I liked it a lot!
The classes I had today were Gender, Power and Change and my tutorial for Journalism, Media and Communications. I have a test in my Journalism class next week...scary!
Joey, Marina and I went to Macer’s (McDonalds) to use the free Wi-Fi. It was way slow. So I then walked back up to the library. On my walk, it started raining so it felt so far away!
March 10, Wednesday
Tarni’s coming to HOBART today!!!
I didn’t have my Public Relations tutorial today since we didn’t have the lecture on Monday. I woke up at 9 and just couldn’t go back to sleep. So I went up to the library. I got to tlak to Momma. She is having issues with her trip plans. For some reason the dumb Travel Agent made her flight plans for the 28 rather than the 29. Stupid.
Gender, Power and Change was interesting today. We had the sex talk.
Once I was done with my classes I had a little over an hour before Tarni would get in. I got to work on my photo book a little. Really I just picked out which design I wanted to use. It has been a slow process!
We then went to see Danny at La Bella’s. He let me make a pizza!!! It was so yum.
When we got home and were going to bed, Tarni and I talked for a long time. :) She is such a sweetheart!
March 11, Thursday
Hey weekend, hey!
This morning Tarni and I laid in bed for awhile chatting. We got up around 10:45 to get ready to go to Launceston!
The Koala Bear, aka Stacey, was fulfilling her name. She earned that nickname because she loves sleeping and she’s incredibly slow. She was taking her time lying in bed watching a movie and eating oatmeal while we were waiting on her to leave. Tarni needed to be back in Launy by 2:30 so we needed to leave by 12. We finally got Stacey in the car at 12:30 and we were on the road!
When we got into Launy we got Macers! We then went back to the house and Stacey got to meet everyone. We didn’t do too much that night. We went to Woolworth’s and got stuff for supper. I made some pretty awesome tacos! I made them nice and spicy...they were so wonderful after not having spicy food for a long time.
Malcolm had baked a cake for Tarni’s birthday. It was admittedly better than the one that I had made. It was still chocolate with chocolate but it was much moister. Malcolm had also put smarties (like m&m’s) on the cake. He has to go out of town on Friday for work so the house celebrated her birthday today so that Malcolm could be a part of the festivities.
I love the Launy house because they don’t have a living room or a television so they all just sit in the kitchen and talk with each other. I really enjoy it…its quite cute. J Malcolm has a strange fascination with random laws. He looked up a few about Texas. Apparently if you introduce someone as your husband/wife three times in the state of Texas then it is official. Also, it is illegal to shoot a buffalo from the second story of a building. They didn’t mention anything about the third though so…guns up!
March 12, Friday
Happy birthday Tarni!!!!
I woke up around 10:30 to Stacey and Tarni saying that it was time to open presents! Tarni had gotten a package from her parents that she knew had an ipod in it. And surprise, it also had a camera!!!
Tarni, Stacey and I then went into town to shop. Stacey wanted to look for a camera and I wanted to buy perfume. I ended up being the only successful one of the outing…or maybe it was actually Stacey since she didn’t spend money. I really, really wanted the Viva La Juicy perfume but it was more than I had wanted to spend so I bought (don’t laugh) Mariah Carey’s perfume. It surprisingly smells very good.
We then went home to grab a bite to eat. Marc was home from practice so we heated up the left over taco meat and ate those. After lunch we were ready to head off to the gorge!
The gorge is a huge lake with rocks all around it. You can lay-out on the grass or on the rocks. Since it was a week day it was pretty empty so we were able to lay on the rocks that you cliff-dive off of. The cliff diving wasn’t THAT extreme. It was probably around 20 feet. None of us girls had ever done it before so we were scared and made Marc go first. After we saw that it was safe we were all for it though! The water was SO cold…when you jumped in it kind of took your breath away and made it hard to breathe. It was a really cool experience. We had a lot to do that day so we left the gorge around 3 I believe.
On the way home we stopped by Woolworth’s and K-mart. Marc was looking for “candy apple green” flip flops because that’s "the greatest color in the world." Unfortunately they only had that color in girl’s sizes. Tarni got some nail polish while we were there. Stacey and I found a DVD player for $35 that we’re really tempted to buy! ...Buuut, we didn't.
March 13, Saturday
Stacey wanted to go back to Hobart today because she wanted to go to Bonorong Park on Sunday with the Bushwalking Club. Not too much happened today. We went to Chicken Feed to do a little shopping. Abdel burned some DVDs for Stacey and me…yay, movies! Marc cooked me a chicken burger for lunch…so yum. J
There is a park in Launceston where they have monkeys! They’re so cute. J They are in a little cage but you can watch them play and chase each other. At the same park there is also a huge chess game set up. There was a cute little Asian kid who was playing by himself. The chess pieces were as tall as he was. It was so funny! Stacey decided that she wants to get married at this park…there was a beautiful greenhouse with tons of cool flowers. Malcolm and Abdel stood in as the grooms so we could get a good visual of what she would look like walking down the aisle.
After the park we dropped Stacey off at the bus station.
That night Tarni and I went to watch Marc play basketball! He did really well; his team won soundly. There was one other guy who was pretty good but Marc was for sure the best. He had lots of rebounds and points. J
Saturday night Tarni and I rented 500 Days of Summer. By the time we got home and ate dinner we were too tired to watch it though.
Around 4 AM we heard a car horn and alarm going off. We looked outside and saw a car in the parking lot across the street on fire. We guess a bunch of boagans had stolen the car and then set it on fire to ditch it. It was crazy! Everyone in the house woke up and we all went into Marc’s room to watch it. Who needs movies when you have boagans who set cars on fire?
March 14, Sunday
Tarni and I had planned on going to La Trobe to see the platypus capital of the world. I checked my bank account before we went tough and saw that Myer’s had charged me twice for my perfume. So we decided to the platypus for another day. We went into town because Tarni wanted to buy some flip flops. She showed me some cool stores…Thank goodness!
We then headed out to the gorge. Tarni and I got there around 12:30. Malcolm met us at 1. Marc was at practice still and Abdel had to do homework. We didn’t dive today because there were tons of Jr. High kids there. We just laid-out on the grass and swam in the gorge a bit. It was definitely easier getting into the water when you were jumping into it rather than just swimming out in it. It was way cold. We treaded water for a while, hoping to warm up, but then just ended up going to lie on the grass.
Tarni and I cuddled up in bed and watched the movie “500 Days of Summer” when we got back home. The movie was pretty good…kind of strange. I didn’t like the way that the girl treated the boy, it made me angry.
After the movie it was nap time in the house!
When we woke up it was time for us to head to the bus station to catch my 7:30 PM back to Hobart. Tarni and Marc drove me up there this time. We stopped by Macer’s to get me some supper for the road. I sure do love my pollo nuggets! I said bye to them and then had to wait about 10 minutes to load my bus.
The bus ride felt really long for some reason! I slept for the first hour of the trip. After that I just couldn’t do anything. There was a girl sitting in the seat next to me so I felt pretty confined. By the time I got back to Hobart I was real happy to be off of the bus.
I was pretty tired from all of my traveling so I went to bed not long after getting home. Joey and I tried to watch Twilight New Moon, one of the DVDs Abdel had burned for me, but it didn’t work on my computer so we watched another one instead. I passed out not far into the movie!
March 15, Monday
Back in Hobart and back to class.
Because I am going to drop my Public Relations class, I didn’t have class today until 3.
After the store we came home, ate and discussed our mid-semester break plans. It’s in two weeks!!! Can you believe that? I went to the library to look up flights and Natalie went home to do the same and to put her groceries away.
Natalie and I found flights to Melbourne for pretty cheap! Our roundtrip total was $195. We will be there for eight days (March 31 – April 8). I’m SO excited! I had really wanted to go to the Gold Coast but those flights were super expensive. We have worked out to stay with one of our friends from Austra Learn, Lee. His dad and brother are coming in on the 3 thought so after that we can either stay with one of his friends or go to a hostile. We’re probably just going to play that part by ear.
I then had to go to class. It was Journalism, Media and Communication. That lecture is two hours long and it is just killer! Plus, I think that they’ve decided that because it is autumn they don’t have to turn the air conditioning on anymore. Hah, they’re wrong!
I have a test tomorrow in that class so I spent tonight studying for that. I’m not too worried about it because it is just over this week’s readings. I’ll let yall know how it goes!
March 16, Tuesday
I had to wake up SO early this morning…8:15. It’s crazy how 9 AM seems so late but the 8 AM hour is just a whole different story.
I went to Popular Fiction this morning. Today we talked about Harry Potter. J I like this class. I went and met with the Professor, who reminds me of one of my friends, after class and told him that I’m enrolling in his class and asked what I needed to do to catch up. He was really kind and told me the contact information for James, who I needed to talk to for advice about enrolling late.
At 11 I had my Gender, Power and Change class. We have our first paper due on Monday so all this week we are solely talking about the paper. It was totally exciting. We learned how to answer an essay question and how to set up an introduction, body and conclusion.
Marina got home around 2ish; she and I decided that it was a good beach day. We walked down Sandy Bay to the dock that we normally swim at. When we got there it was all nice and sunny. But for some reason we have super bad luck or timing. The sun decided to hide behind a ton of clouds. It kind of looked like it was going to rain off in the distance. We left the beach a little earlier than we had hoped.
After Chicken Feed I dropped my stuff off at the house and went to the library. Natalie met me up there and, can I just say, that her mom is my absolute most favorite person of the day (and possibly longer)!?!?!? She sent me GOLDFISH!!! “Goldfish: The snack that smiles back until you bite their heads off.” (I’ve always thought that that was the strangest jingle). Oh but that made me so happy!
After eating tons of awesome pancakes I was tired! So I took a shower and now I’m fixing to head to bed…before midnight. How crazy.
Here are some photos to reward you for that long read!!!

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