March 28, 2010

Two Posts in One Day!

March 17, Wednesday

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!!!

This morning I made sure to wear green so that I wouldn’t get pinched by everyone I saw. It wasn’t until after I was out and about that I realized that they really don’t care if you wear green or not here. And they sure as heck don’t pinch you for not wearing green!

I went to the Popular Fiction tutorial this morning. It was pretty good. The people in the class were pretty intense about Harry Potter though. You can totally tell that they’re arts majors!
After the tutorial I talked to the professor, Dominic, and told him that I needed him to approve me into the class.

Then I went to the library to waste time until my next class. That’s when I got a call from Dominic saying that I don’t have the right prerequisites needed to be in the class. Ugh.
So then I started looking up other English classes or Arts classes that would count for me back home. There was only one that was offered this semester that would work with my class schedule. I emailed the Professor and asked her if there was any way that I could enrol in her class. She emailed me back saying that it is too late for me to join the class and that the last day I could have joined was at the beginning of the week. GRR to Tech for taking SO long to get back to be about everything and to UTas for not letting me know before I got here that these classes wouldn’t count. Ugh. This is just so frustrating. So, I’ll be staying in Public Relations. And if I want to MAYBE get credit for it, then Tech requires me to write a 25 page paper writing about what I learn from the class. ...Sounds difficult. But I think I’m going to give it a go.

Natalie and I went downtown to find her a sexy outfit for her birthday. We went to this store called Cotton On and they were having a huge sale! I got a shirt, shorts and shoes for $25! Awesome!!! The shirt I got has a leopard on it. RAWR. Natalie ended up getting a leopard shirt at another store!

When I got home I was so tired so I laid down to take a nap. When I woke up I was super grumpy and totally didn’t want to go out for Saint Patrick’s Day. But we had already decided to go out tonight for Natalie’s birthday since we were just staying at home on Friday.

We started out at Metz with Marina, Joey, Jeff, Stacey and Natalie. April and Amy were supposed to meet us but they were running late. Stacey and I tried to get the bartenders at Metz to sing to Natalie but they wouldn’t do it.
One of Joey’s friends was up at Irish Murphy’s who said it was pretty fun there. We went up there and ran into my friend Angelique that I have a couple of classes with.

March 18, Thursday

Marc comes today!!!!!! YAY!!!!

Wow, I really can’t remember what I did during the day. I cleaned my room and did some laundry.

Natalie and I went shopping at Cole’s. I bought stuff to make dinner for Marc.

Around 6:45 I started the walk down into Hobart to meet Marc’s bus. I got there in perfect timing, 7:25. Unfortunately, when I got there I realized that his bus didn’t get in until 8 for some reason. So this black dude and I just sat outside the centre waiting for the bus.
Sure enough, Marc’s bus pulled up at 8!

By the time we got home it was almost 9 and the poor boy was starving. I made him chicken fettuccini alferado and garlic bread. After that he was still hungry so he made some more pasta and then ate a bowl of cereal and ice cream as well. I guess I underestimated how much he’d eat!
While we were eating, we sat around the table with Joey and Marina and talked. Marina seems really happy to have another Swiss around. They’re from different parts of the country but I’m sure it’s still nice just to have that other person who knows about where you’re from. And Marc was able to speak German with her which she liked.

March 19, Friday


Natalie and I had talked about going to this little bakery for breakfast so I asked if she still wanted to do that but she had already had breakfast before her class. So, we decided to go somewhere for lunch then.
We couldn’t really decide what we wanted to eat. By the time we had gotten dressed and walked down into Sandy Bay it was getting late. So Natalie ended up getting some quiche from the bakery and Marc and I got Subway.

Oh! I almost forgot! I got a package this morning from Dad and Denise!!! J They sent me a beautiful v-neck from Forever 21 (thank you Sissy for picking it out), ranch, GOLDFISH, REESES!, and a sweet note. It was a wonderful surprise!!

After lunch, Natalie and I baked her birthday cupcakes. J There were chocolate ones and carrot cake ones...both with white icing.

Marc and I went up to uni to Skype with Miss Catie Swimm. J It was so wonderful getting to talk to her. Skype has got to be just the most wonderful invention. Props to whoever created it.

Natalie went to pick up Abdel who got in around 7:30 I believe. Right after Tarni dropped Abdel off at the transit centre she decided that she wanted to come too. J YAY! So she drove down for Natalie's birthday!!!

Marc and I got Macer’s for supper. Marc may love getting ice cream from McDonald's even more than Durwood does!!!

When we got back from supper, Tarni was at the house!! Hooray! And not long after, Natalie and Abdel showed up!

We sang to Natalie and she blew out the candles on her cupcakes that I had made for her. The cupcakes were SO YUM by the way.

March 20, Saturday

I woke up at 9:30 this morning and could NOT go back to sleep.

So I went out and got on Skype. I got to talk to Momma. And I also got to Skype with Dad too. Stacey was awake too and was Skyping with her family. She was pretty much yelling…I had to tell her multiple times to be quiet. Haha.

After everyone finally got up this morning and met at our house we went down to the Salamanca Market. The whole group headed down there (Abdel, Natalie, Stacey, Joey, Tarni, Marc and I)! It was SO much better today than it was the last time we went. Last time there was only one fruit/vegetable stand but this time there were so many. I guess last time was just bad timing for the farmers. There was a place that had really cheap strawberries and chocolate dip! Of course I had to buy those! I also got avocados for $0.95! At the grocery store they’re $1.95 each. SCORE. We also found a shop that sells Dr. Pepper. DOUBLE SCORE.

Marc and I walked around for awhile looking at all the stuff that the booths had. I found this cute little whale carving that I really wanted to get for Rachel due to her new found fascination with whales, but it was way expensive. So, I’ll keep my eyes open! 8)

After the market Marc and I walked into town to go to Redline to check about his bus home the next day.
Then Stacey and Tarni met us downtown to do some shopping. Tarni finally got the flip flops that she has been looking for! Marc got some donuts from Donut King because he loves sweets. I don’t think Stacey and I bought anything.

When we got back into Sandy Bay, Marc and I stopped off at Cole’s to get stuff for supper. Marc cooked fish sticks and Caesar salad for the two of us. It was yum. J

We spent Saturday night not doing much of anything. J Marc and I were total nerds and did homework together. Oh well, I guess that's a good thing!

I'll update again once I get the next couple of posts on my computer. :)
Don't forget to go down and read the previous post...there are two from today.


  1. Hey sweet girl, it was nice to talk to you via FB today. I have to tell you that you explination of Bogan hasn't really helped in my understanding of who they are, what they do and why you would ever need to use this term again. I guess I did relate to the Redneck association though. What kind of markets will we go to while we're there. Do they have things like trades days? I know we're gonna go to Cadbury and Bongoro(?) park. Is there anything else that you want to do???? Can't wait to meet all your friend. I get confused sometimes while I'm reading your blogs about who is who. I know once I meet them all I'll be able to keep up. Am I gonna get to meet Marc? Love you sweet pea!!

  2. I think that the 25 page report will not be a challenge for you, considering you already have a lot written down about your trip. All you will have to do is modify it a little bit to make it what Tech wants. Also, it would probably not be a bad thing to have on hand in case an employer wants to know about your experiences and what you learned while you were abroad in an interviewing process one day.

    Also, you mentioned your love for skpye, which reminds me... I had 4 fraud charges to skype on my BOA account, so I had to shut down my credit card and open a new one :( Someone tried to steal my identity, but it didn't work! Ha!

    Ok, well I am in class and it just got out, so I have to run. I love you!! I will comment more later :)

  3. Momma, I am so glad I got to talk to you too! :)
    A bogan is basically just a red neck or trashy person. But you know how now some red necks have money...and they're the guys who have fake tans, work out too much and wear Affliction shirts. Here, a bogan could be spotted with a gradual tanner skin color and rat's tail or mullet. haha.
    Well, we'll miss the Salamanca Market which is every Saturday. But we can still go down to this place that has good fruit and veggies.
    Yes, we'll have to go to Bonogrong Park and Cadbury. There are some Botanical Gardens here that I hear are real pretty...and I believe it's free. We can maybe go up Mount Wellington. I'm not sure how much it costs to take the bus up there. Marc is going to come into town to meet yall. :) My friends from Launceston want to go to Port Arthur and go on the night tour sometime. We were thinking we could do that with yall. Would yall be interested? I don't remember how much it is...I think $90 but that included like two meals and the tour or something? Idk. But Port Arthur seems pretty legit.
    I love you!!!

    The 25 page paper would be about that single class...not about the trip. And it would be due when yalls finals are. :/
    Oh I'm so glad that no one stole your identity. That'd be awful.
    I love you. Okay byeeee.
