June 28, 2010

New Zealand

We've made it safely to New Zealand. We are fixing to head down to Christchurch from Auckland.

Dad will be driving again from Christchurch to Queenstown...PRAY. ;)

June 25, 2010

family and sydney!

Just a quick update,
Dad, Denise, Lauren and Rachel all made it safely. We had a great time in Hobart.

We're now in Sydney having a great time. We'll be here til Tuesday morning then we're off to New Zealand. I'll try to keep yall updated but I'm having to pay for internet usage so they'll be short!


June 20, 2010

a couple of photos!

Me, Natalie and Tarni

Marc and I at his birthday dinner.

Roxy, the cutest little tassie devil!!

June 19, 2010

Last weeks in Tasmania

Hello all!!

Sorry I haven't updated lately. My computer is broooken! I'm not really sure what happened...I had Abdel and a couple of other people check it out and they have all said it's a goner. :/ Oh well...I guess it's best that this is happening now rather than 2 months ago!

On a better note, my finals are over!! Wihoo. They all went well. Now it's just a matter of time before I find out my grades.

Now I'm out in Launy spending some last minute time with Marc, Tarni and Abdel. :)
It's Sunday arvo so Dad, Denise, Lauren and Rachel will all be here tomorrrow!!! Not until pretty late at night but still soon!!

They'll be in around 9-10pm here (6-7am for yall).
Tuesday we are hiring a car and going to the Cadbury Factory, Launceston Lakes Wildlife Park and then to supper with Marc. Marc has student teaching starting this next week so he isn't able to come down to Hobart to spend time with the family; so we're just coming up here!
Wednesday we plan on traveling the coast a bit to see some of the scenic places around.
Thursday we'll go on a day cruise to Bruny Island.
Then Friday we're off to Sydney for four days and New Zealand to follow.

Hopefully I'll be able to find a computer to keep yall updated on everything. If not, I'll be home on the 7 of July! :)

June 6, 2010

First Final Down!

One final down - two to go!

I had my Public Relations final on Saturday. That is the class that I won't be getting credit for from Tech. I honestly debated on not taking it because of that reason. But, I couldn't let myself just take the easy way out so I went ahead and took the final.
It went okay, we had to create a Public Relations plan, produce three PR products (media release, letter, fact sheet, etc.) and write on our view of ethics in PR. I got all the formating for my plans correct...now it will just be a matter of whether or not my professor likes what I produced.

It was strange, when I went to take my final there was a man standing at the top of the stairs who wouldn't even let me on the second floor with my purse. I had to go and leave it outside of the book store. They are SO strict about people not cheating here. I'm not even sure how you would cheat because all of the tests are essay tests.
I feel like we're much more trusted at home. That or they just don't care if people cheat. Either one could very well be the case.

My next final is Thursday. It is Journalism, Media and Communications. I'm not entirely sure what I need to study for that. So I'm a bit worried!

I got a package from my amazingly wonderful friend Catie. :) She included goldfish (of course!), reeses, orbit gum, photos and milky ways!! I'm savoring my milky ways!

Dad, Denise, Lauren and Rachel will be here in two weeks! And I'll be home one month from today!
It's strange because everyone is starting to leave.
Marc and I had to figure out when the last time we'll see each other will be. :( That was a sad talk!

Everyone keeps asking if I'm ready to come home. I don't really know how to answer that. I'm ready to BE home but I don't think I'm ready to come home. I'm not ready to leave. Leaving here means going back to the real world where I have to work and school matters and I have to grow up. When I'm here everything is so easy...Life is simple and carefree. I am very ready for the perks of home though...summer (I'm very jealous of the 100 degree days yall are having), Paisley, my car, good food, an income, knowing where to shop for whatever I'm looking for.

I think, for now, I'll go to bed and dream of a life where Texas and Oz meet. Wouldn't that be nice...