February 10, 2010

i'm here!!!

Hey yall!

I’m LOVING it here!

The flight was looong. Very long. But I didn’t have anyone sitting next to me so I was able to lay down and sleep a lot. i was next to another girl who is going to Tasmania and shes really sweet. I must say that I’m pretty done with airports for awhile. I made it through customs with my ranch!! J when I got up to customs the guy asked me “how are you going?” and I answered “quantas” (my airline)…but I now know that the correct response would have been “I’m good, and you?” haha.

We got to our “resort” which is actually just a hostel and it was HOT…it was about 90 to first day. And humid!! Worse than Houston! I am in a room with 5 other girls who are all going to UTas. We get along really well. We are all pretty chill. There are two guys who are going to Tasmania as well. The eight of us all kind of stick together.

Yesterday was such a long day…landed in Brisbane at 7:30AM and then went through customs, checked into our next flight up to cairns and then traveled to our resort and then went to a two hour info session and then on to dinner. We were told to try to stay up as late as possible so that we would adjust to the time. I ended up staying up until about 9 and that was hard!!!

Today I woke up at 6 and was wide awake…I think that’s the only time in my life that I can say that. Haha. We went to breakfast and then to a place called Rain ForeStation. We got to pet kangaroos, meet aborigines, throw boomerangs, play a didgeridoo, go on a safari through the rainforest, and hold a koala bear! It was AWESOME! One of the kangaroos had a joey and she was so sweet and calm. She let us pet him and feed him and I have wonderful photos of him...he was so cute! After that we went to another info session. I went swimming in the pool when we got back…yes, in February! Then we got to go shower because it was stinking hot today! Now I’m waiting to head to dinner. We are on our own tonight so I think us Tazzies may go to a karaoke bar.

I got a phone, if you want to call me you dial 00161 451609892. And if you want to text me then you do +61 451609892. I receive both of those for free! Yay! So feel free to call or text me whenever.

I love yall so much! Thank you for all your prayers. More later from the down under!


  1. Way to go girl! It sounds awesome and I am so proud of you! Have lots of fun and remember everything so you can tell us all the details. can't wait to see some of the pictures! - -Denise

  2. Oh girl, I am so glad you are "going" well!! AND I am glad you got your Ranch Dressing through customs! Haha. I can't wait to hear/see pictures of your UTas "crew" (btw, I can't believe you're going to a UT-- Blah!! Haha.) I was completely shocked to hear that it was hard for you to stay up late and even harder for you to sleep in. WHO KNEW?! I texted you to the number that starts in 0016... which would explain why I never got a response, so I will shoot you a text to the +61... number.

    Anyways, it sounds like a blast! Have you hung out with Stacey much? Did it work out for her to room with you? I love and miss you a ton!! Praying for you :)

  3. Hey sister! I was so happy to hear from you that I cried!!! I"m so glad that you are having so much fun and making friends. But I knew you would, you are so likeable and sweet! I can't wait to skype! It's weird because when I wake up in the mornings at 5 am I think hmmmm Sara's already done with today, I hope it was "going" well!! I am jealous of the hot weather! It's supposed to snow here tomorrow! I got your txt and I replied to it but Rachel said that you have to do to a different number so I'm not sure if you got it or not. I am so proud of you and I love you so very much!!!
